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Thursday, March 24, 2016

Tracking Your Spending

Too much month left at the end of your money? Eagerly awaiting midnight the day your automatic deposit is supposed to hit? Panic when your paycheck does not hit when it's supposed to? These are all very good signs that your money and more precisely your expenses is running you instead of you managing your money.

There is good news! The process to get back on track, create some savings, and start looking to the future.  The bad news is, while the process itself is simple, the will power it takes to this can be very daunting.  But stick with us here at Household Budgets and we can make this process feel at least a bit easier!  We are going to take the entire process and break it down into very small easy to achieve steps, and if you stick with us, before long, you won't even worry if your check has hit because you are at least a month ahead on your expenses!

How though are we going to accomplish this?  Well by starting at the most important question: WHERE HAS ALL MY MONEY GONE? For the next month we want you to keep EVERY receipt to every thing you purchase.  Do what you would normally do, spend how you would normally spend! See we aren't even asking you to change yet?! BUT at the end of the month you are going to print off  Expense Tracker Worksheet and fill in every expense you had over the course of the month.

You are going to input every single expense AND categorize it.  There can be many categories, but they all fall under three major umbrellas: Mandatory Expenses, Discretionary Expenses, and Frivolous Expenses.  This worksheet will help us design a budget, show us where we can make cuts to spending, and get you started toward your long term goals.  For now all you have to do is fill the worksheet in, it is even up to you to decide what monthly expenses are Mandatory, Discretionary, or Frivolous. It's as easy as that!

Need help getting started? We will be happy to assist you in any step of your process!
The first call is FREE!